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Heart Healthy Foods

Heart healthy food provides powerful doses of phytonutrients that prevent and repair damage to cells.

Fresh produce provides the cornerstone for a heart-healthy diet because they help wipe out free radicals in the bloodstream thereby protecting blood vessels. Whole grains, beans and legumes, nuts, fatty fish and teas are also important, offering complex heart-protective phytonutrients.

Some specific foods to include in your diet are:

- salmon,

- ground flaxseed,

- oatmeal,

- black or kidney beans and

- almonds.

Here is a guide to the nutrients these heart healthy foods contain:

Phytoestrogens - substances in plants that have a weak estrogen-like action in the body. Studies suggest that flaxseed lowers the risk of blood clots and stroke. It may also help lower total and LDL "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides and even blood pressure.

Phytosterols - are plant sterols that chemically resemble cholesterol. They seem to be able to reduce blood cholesterol. All nuts and seeds have phytosterols.

Carotenoids - are heart-protective antioxidants in many colorful fruits and veggies.

Polyphenols - are another set of antioxidants that protect blood vessels, lower blood pressure and reduce LDL "bad" cholesterol

Omega-3 fatty acids - (found in fatty fish like salmon) and alpha-linolenic fatty acids (found in plant foods like walnuts) help boost the immune system, reduce blood clots and may protect against heart attacks. They also increase good HDL levels, lower triglyceride levels, protect arteries from plaque buildup and are also anti-inflammatory.

B-complex vitamins - protect against blood clots and hardening of the arteries. Niacin (vitamin B-3) helps increase HDL "good" cholesterol.

Vitamins C and E - are antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage.

Minerals - Magnesium, potassium, and calcium help lower blood pressure.

Fibre-rich - foods help lower cholesterol levels.

Try this recipe!

Tahini Almond Date Bites

12-14 large dates

½ cup almonds

1/3 cup tahini

Pinch sea salt

1-2 tbsp water

¼ cup sesame seeds to coat

In food processor, pulse almonds until crumbly and partly smooth. Add dates, tahini and salt and continue to process. Texture will be crumbly so add water, 1 tbsp at a time until dough forms in to a ball. Form 1 inch rounds and roll in sesame seeds to coat. Cool in refrigerator until firm.

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