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5 Superfoods To Combat Stress

A follow up to yesterdays post!

There is no great mystery that the food you eat makes a major impact on how your body functions. You know that if you give your body the good nutrients that it needs you will feel better and your body will function more efficiently.


This extra dark green brassica vegetable contains vitamins A, B, C, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and even some omega 3 fatty acids. Research suggests that being calcium deficient may make it difficult to fall asleep. Rapini contains powerful phytochemicals that assist in hormonal balance, which in turn can ease stress and insomnia.

Substitute: Broccoli can be substituted if you can’t find rapini.

Fermented Beets:

These are an amazing energizer and mood booster. They provide good bacteria to our gut, which helps protect the gut lining and increases nutrient absorption. A recent study found that the more fermented foods a person ate the less likely they were to experience social anxiety. Researchers believe it’s likely due to the probiotics positively changing the environment within the gut, and that those changes can influence our mental state.

Substitute: Any fermented vegetables can be substituted for beets. Sauerkraut is another option and an excellent source of vitamin C and probiotics.

Holy Basil (Tulsi) Tea:

This adaptogenic herb helps the body adapt to stress. Studies have shown that Tulsi helps maintain normal levels of cortisol, our stress hormone. By lowering cortisol levels, Tulsi acts a natural anti-stress herb.

Substitute: Chamomile tea soothes the nervous system so that you can sleep better. It has been used as a solution for insomnia for centuries.


Rich in B vitamins, especially Vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness). We need B vitamins for healthy nerve and brain cells. Feelings of anxiety may be rooted in a Vitamin B deficiency. They are also high in monounsaturated fat and potassium, which help lower blood pressure. The next time stress has you reaching for a pint of full-fat ice cream, opt for a non-dairy DIY version made with avocado blended with a ripe banana, vanilla extract, nut milk, and honey.

Substitute: Bananas are a good source of both potassium and Vitamin B6

Aduki Beans:

These little beans are packed with vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin, our sleep hormone. Beans are rich in B9, magnesium and potassium, which are important for nerve health. Substitute: Lentils offer a good amount of soluble fiber and protein. Both of which help to balance blood sugar and reduce stress.

superfood avocado

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